Saving styles

Once specified for an <object>, the collection of styles can be assigned a name, via |[||=|<word>|]|. Then |[|<word>|]| becomes a new style, suitable for use with the same or other <objects>s. Use a single <word> built from ordinary letters. A warning message will be placed in the log file:

|XY-pic Warning: Defining new style [|<word>|]|

If |[|<word>|]| already had meaning the new definition will still be imposed, but the following type of warning will be issued:

|XY-pic Warning: Redefining style [|<word>|]|

The latter warning will appear if the definition occurs within an || or ||. This is perfectly normal, being a consequence of the way that the matrix code is handled. Similarly the message may appear several times if the style definition is made within an ||.

\setbox 0=\hbox{%

The following illustrates how to avoid these messages by defining the style without typesetting anything.

 1: The current colour is regarded as part of the style for this purpose.

 2: Such namings are global in scope. They are intended to allow a consistent style to be easily maintained between various pictures and diagrams within the same document.

( @@#1@@ @*shape@#1@@@Defining new style [#1]@Redefining style [#1] @@*shape@#1@

@@@#1@##1@@@ @##1@@@ @ )